The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Williamsfield Called Downs Valley in the Parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2014
0319" w 13.207 2 n 68°37' w 83.189 58 n 6651 w 70.428 == 3 n 14'50' e 22,522 (1001 williamsfield called downs valley 105 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 metres scale lcm = 10m rf. = 1:1000 all marks are ip's unleas otherwise stated, . memorandum parish a
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Comfort, Manchester) Order, 2015
0319 w 14.985 ?3 ??? ct 2. for director of survey. n78 50 35w 23834 8 qecrge ie g [= msfleld p.o, pe dblice a win lovan mason et. al, willlamsfleld p.o. ff 4 rowon ean t. ro: willlamnsflald p.o. »|3 compare! flat, ¢ g ar. roag 1b. (01) 33 © wn tt te