10 20 30 40 30
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of New Forest, Manchester) Order, 2012
10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 - 90 mms scale one _millimetre = one metrs or t: 1,000 x ar morks ore lps. unless otherwise stated? memorandum y7662 area parish anchester , riley barrett le 787.787 squore metres the names of the porties beveriyn wiliams the nome
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Slipe, Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2015
10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 90 100 metres mm scale 1 an=10m, rf 1: 1000 all marks are |.p.s. unless otherwise stated. memorandum rb12ee gilbert nash parish area : h of saint elizabeth 2072.051 sq. metres. the names of the parties |gdmond reid interested in th
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Lacovia called Greenfield, St. Elizabeth) Order, 2015
10 20 30 40 30 60 70 a0 90 mltrfs etre a uz j scale one_milimetre = on: metre or 1:1,000 x - . 5 -~ ll a. mors ore ls. unless otherwise stated memorandum in beer parish arca a. smith . st. elizabeth the names of the parties of ot 1829.202 sq. metres i fre
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) Act
10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 scale 1em~ 10m, rf i: 1000 |= = compass survey all morks are 1.p.s. unless otherwise stated. memorandum parish area paul deerr of manchester 975.34 _sq.metres the nomes of the parties
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Clifton Lodge, In The Parish of St. Ann) Order, 2017
10 20 30 40 30 60 70 80 80 100 metres scale: 3 cm to 10 metres rf 1/1000 memorandum jamaca ss, 4 the secretary, st ann parish council parish b * o ... st ano £ 4:125.732 square metres | the names of the porties it~ | nina smallhorn: cutie yvonne allen:
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Pratville in the parish of Manchester) Order, No. 0137/2018
10 20 30 40 30 metres | l | 1 | 1 | jo ??? dr et j [ scale 1 / 300 5232 (angle method) of instigator ja. s.3, parish of: manchester area: 1,068.896m' those served with notice gregg durrant the secretary, manchester porish council, mur
The Registration of Titles Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Hamilton Mountain in the Parish of Saint Mary) Order, No. 0032/2020
10 20 30 40 30 metrar scale 1_centimetre to § metres r. f. 1:500 3) lands at vol, 1342 fol. 795 do tt mimes | .._not affect the subject of survey. memorandum p3043 jamaica ss. area [ richard white, godfrey coulb 881.90 sq. metres the name of the part
Licence-Perpetual Prayer warrior Evangelism Ministry Limited
10 20 30 40 30 metrar scale 1_centimetre to § metres r. f. 1:500 3) lands at vol, 1342 fol. 795 do tt mimes | .._not affect the subject of survey. memorandum p3043 jamaica ss. area [ richard white, godfrey coulb 881.90 sq. metres the name of the part