10 percent
The Petroleum ( Quality Control ) ( Amendment) Regulation, 2010
10 percent ethanol by jolume and which does not satisfy the specification and requirements ior unleaded e-10 motor gasoline 87 octane index, as set out in the second schedule; (®) 1° octane index gasoline that does not contain 9-10 percent ethanol by olu
The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
10 percent, the depositary shall notify states parties of a revision of the limits of liability. any such revision shall become effective six months after its notification to the states parties. if within three months after its notification to the states
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
10 percent, the depositary shall notify states
The Petroleum (Quality Control) Act
10 percent ethanol by volume and which does not satisfy the specification and requirements for unleaded e-10 motor gasoline 87 octane index, as set out in the second schedule; * (b) 90 octane index gasoline that does not contain 9-10 percent ethanol by v
The Processed Food Act
10 percent of the containers but in no case less than 2 samples 1 sample from each of 5 percent of the containers but in no case less than 4 1 sample from each of 3 percent of the containers but in no case less than 6 1 sample from each of 2 perce