The Wild Life Protection (Hunter's Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
$10,000.00; failure to comply with the fore- going will result in the denial of a hunters? licence for the subsequent bird shooting season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conservation authority, 10 caledonia avenue, ki
The Jamaica Racing Commission Racing Rules, 1977 (Amendment Rules) (No. 1), 2002
$10,000.00 in the event that the foal does not qualify and the commission determines that the foal cannot be registered, the late fine paid shall be refunded in full?. -(c) by deleting. from subsection (6) of the existing rule, the words, ?within thirty
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
$10,000.00. failure to comply with the foregoing will result in the denial of a hunter's licence for the subsequent season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conversation authority, 10 caledonia avenue, kingston 5, or are
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Property Tax) (No. 2) Order, 2003
$10,000.00 but does not exceed $50,000.000... i" i" $320,000.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $50.000.001 but does not exceed $200,000,000... .. $1,500,000.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $200.000,000 cee cee cee
The Airports (Economic Regulation) (Charges and Fees) Notice,2003.
$10,000.00 in respect of each scheduled airport. ? the fees to be paid are specified in the lawful currency of the united states of america and may be paid in that currency or in the equivalent amount of the lawful currency of jamaica. dated this 12th d
The Airports (Economic Regulation) (Charges and Fees) Notice,2003.
$10,000.00 in respect of each scheduled airport. ? the fees to be paid are specified in the lawful currency of the united states of america and may be paid in that currency or in the equivalent amount of the lawful currency of jamaica. dated this 12th d
The Real Estate (Dealers And Developers) (Amendment) Regulations,2003
$10,000.00? and substituting therefor the following? "(i $25,000.00 in respect of a scheme of forty-one lots and over: (i) $15,000.00 in respect of a scheme of twenty-one but no more than forty lots; (ii) $10,000.00 in respect of a scheme of six but no
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
$10,000.00 (¢) documentary $5,000.00.". dean peart, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaicaprinting services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations,2003.
$10,000.00 (c) documentary $5,000.00." dean peart, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaicaprinting services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street kingston, jamaica
The National Solid Waste Management (Public Cleanliness) Regulations,2003
$10,000.00 lj 4. throwing, dropping or otherwise depositing or leaving any litter in any premises owned or occupied by another person without the consent of that person. - . $5,000.00 5. wilfully breaking any bottle or any glass or any article made of
The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$10,000.00 (b) in all other instances $20,000.00 22. preparing and lodging common law conveyances $8,500.00 23. application for declaration of the court in an? (a) ex-parte matter $3,000.00 (b) inter-partes matter $5,000.00 24. negotiating settlements in
The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$10,000.00 $1,500.00 $4,000.00 $2,500.00 $7,000.00 $3,500.00 $3,000.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 (per annum) actual cost of call 75% 0f1% of principal sum mmvested for e a ¢ h investment period.
The Foreign Nationals And Commonwealth Citizens (Employment) (Work Permit Fees) (Amendment) Regulations,2004
$10,000.00 (b) a work permit granted for a period of more than three months but not more than six imontns vei $20,000.00 (¢) a work permit granted for a period of more than six months but not more than nine montas «oon $30,000.00 (d) a work permit gran
The Foreign Nationals And Commonwealth Citizens (Employment) (Work Permit Fees) (Amendment) Regulations,2004
$10,000.00 for each three month period thereafter or any part thereof.". 5. paragraph 3 of the second schedule to the principal regulations is amended by inserting in the third paragraph immediately after the word "indies", the words "the university of t