The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill now called Mineral Heights Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2001
1015, and partly on lands contained in the certificate of title registered at volume 1273 folio 998 in the name of mitchel peart et a/ and being the lot numbered 1016. easterly, partly on lands contained in the certificate of title registered at volume 12
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Section 5- Rejected Application Order# 11-001 ) Order, 2011
1015. of new river a wall 6 \ + jad 2001 c 2 n 858876.0540 s mn e 675806.4700 reginald clarke s rr mathew ranglin ta c p.o. santa cruz p.o. = 8 santa cruz p.o mn 8 3 = § oo " ucal ranglin 1 santa cruz p.o. 5.719m ucal ranglin cal le d santa cruz p.o.
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Morningside, Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2014
1015 to cul de soc rose, vod fies j a lp.(otd) / 1011 lo mae 3.734 hore n = 641336.951m * 5804" e 4.496 [tol : {e = 684113.758m f - ? / ; < g. a \] sad: junction p.o. tha cr . ruddy neil | juncticn p.o. % oy ow 0 w : % 8 & fr. mot vingside? junct
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5 - Part of Bloomfield, Manchester) Order, 2015
1015 20 25 jo 35 40 45 50 scale: tem = 5m, rf. = 1/500 memorandum wigos remarks: 1. calculoted and measured distances compare favourably. 2. all permanent marks are iron pegs unless where otherwise stated. j. all boundaries ars open unless where otherwisa