The Jamaica Export Free Zones Act (Cathexis Limited) Order, 2007
1070. folio 162. and all that property known as lot numbered m18 being part of montego freeport in the parish of st. james and referred to in certificate of title registered at volume 1087 folio 849. dated the 30th day of march, 2007. phillip paulwell
The Special Economic Zones ( Mercury Wireless Limited) Order, 2017
1070 folio 141 and 142. starting at a point at the north eastern corner adjoining a reserve road (pimento way) and proceeding in a southerly direction for fifty-five metres (55m), then westerly for eighty-four metres (84m), then northerly for forty metres
The Special Economic Zones ( Mercury Wireless Limited) Order, 2017
1070 folio 137 in the name of montego cold storage ltd. and westerly on a reserved road called bay road leading to southern boulevard or however it may be butted, bounded or described and being the land comprised in certificates of title registered at vol
The Housing Scheme part of Dirlton also known as Rockhampton situated at Galina in the parish of Saint Mary (Housing Area) Order, 2018
1070 folio 287 in the name of barbara pryce; lands registered at volume 1443 folio 792 in the name of irene plummer; lands in the possession of dirlton? galina village homes limited, partly registered at volume 1172 folio 34 and partly unregistered; lands
The Special Economic Zone (Kingston Wharves Limited-Part of Newport West) (containing Registered and Reclaimed), Saint Andrew in the parish of Saint Andrew) Order, 2019
1070 folio 309; then continuing south-easterly eleven hundred and one (1101) metres along the line that borders on the kingston harbour, part of the caribbean sea, to the point of commencement, inclusive of all easements for drainage and pipelines, all ro