The Provisional Collection of Tax (Property Tax) (No.3) Order,2003.
$1,100.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $400,001 but does not exceed $500,000 . i. i" $1,500.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $500,001 but does not exceed $1,000,000 i. i i. $1,700.00 on property the unimproved valu
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Property Tax) (No.2) Order,2004..
$1,100.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $400,001 but does not exceed $500,000 . i» i $1,500.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $500,001 but does not exceed $1,000,000 - i. - $1,700.00 on property the unimproved value
The Provisional Collection of Tax ( Property Tax) Order, 2005
$1,100.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $400,001 but does not exceed $500,000 i" i. $1,500.00 on property the unimproved value of which exceeds $500,001 but does not exceed $1,000,000 ... i. on $1,700.00 on property the unimproved valu
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$1,100.00 test (5 hrs) glycosylated hacmo- no charge $1,400.00 globin (ghb) gamma glutamly no charge $240.00 transferase (ggt) human chorionic no charge $550.00 gonotrophin (hcg) urine qualitative lactic dehydrogenase no charge $260.00 (ldi)and hydrox
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$1,100.00 ante natal (haemog|lo- bin, sickle group and rhesus, vdrl) no charge $900.00 ante natal i (haemoglo- bin, sickle group and rhesus, vdrl, hiv) no charge $1,200.00 12. hb electophoresis crossmatch no charge $2,000.00 1dct no charge $200.00 dct
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$1,100.00 $2,200.00 genotyping no charge $2,200.00 abo & rh typing no charge $360.00 direct coombs test no charge $360.00 antibody screen no charge $550.00 antibody identification ~~ no charge $1,440.00 antibody titration no charge $1,640.00 investigation
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$1,100.00 cryoprecipitate 19. cross match whole blood and packed red cells no charge $3,600.00.?. dated this 3 1st day of march, 2009. rudyard spencer minister of health and environment. printed by jamaica printing services (1892) ltd. (government p
The Jamaica racing Commission Racing Rules, 1977( Amendment Rules) ( No.2), 2011
$1,100.00). 13. rule 150 of the principal rules is hereby amended by the deletion of the figures ?$2,000.00? from line 5 and by the insertion in its place of the words, bracket and figures ?three thousand dollars ($3,000.00)?. 14. rule 157 of the princi
The Companies ( Names of Directors, Exemption) RBC Royal Bank ( Jamaica) Limited Formerly RBTT Bank Limited Order, 2011
$1,100.00). 13. rule 150 of the principal rules is hereby amended by the deletion of the figures ?$2,000.00? from line 5 and by the insertion in its place of the words, bracket and figures ?three thousand dollars ($3,000.00)?. 14. rule 157 of the princi
The Trade Marks ( Amendment ) Rules, 2011
$1,100.00 25. certified copy of extract of any entry a -? inthe register, for every page oe 22 $1,000.00 . . 26. uncertified copy of extract of any entry - ¥ in the register, for every page we 32 $100.00 i fo) 27. (a) request to enter change of name - or