The Housing Scheme part of Curatoe Hill now called Mineral Heights Clarendon (Housing Area) Order, 2001
1119 to 1143 inclusively on the aforementioned deposited plan numbered d. p. 9670 and being all of the lands contained in certificates of title registered at volume 1294 folios 331 to 355 inclusively; and the lots numbered 1002 to 1008 inclusively on the
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Burnt Ground in the parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, No. 0302/2019
1119 roldo4 : ss rence s 32747? 19.507 8 douglas itawruvie 1 a clifford forbes 2 sonta cruz p.o. 8. , s burnt oo vb a ground 20 0 z0 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 metres scale one millimetre = two metre or 1:2,000 memorandum ize stated nl
The Sugar Industry Control Act - Agriculture
111994 s. 8 (©) (vi). 11/19%4 s. 8 {c) (vii). in cases of hardship authority may increase manu- facturer's quotacf any manu- facturer. 8/1970 8.7 & sch. 11/1994 s. 8 (d). sugar industry control endures, and there shall be attached to a licence such
5 of 2019- The National Contracts Commission (Validation and Indemnity) Act
5 of 2019- The National Contracts Commission (Validation and Indemnity) Act