11th day of june, 2015
The Moneylending (Exemption)Scotia Jamaica Microfinance Company Limited Trading as "CrediScotia") Order, 2013
11th day of june, 2015. peter d. phillips, phd, mp minister of finance and planning. no. 840/185 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica [4 ???
The Companies Act - Licence
11th day of june, 2015. anthony hylton minister of industry, investment and commerce. no. 8/8/2255 no. 113m the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that city of refuge, shiloh apostolic, end time prophetic ministry limite
The Companies Act - Licence
11th day of june, 2015. anthony hylton minister of industry, investment and commerce. no. 8/8/2255 no. 113m the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that city of refuge, shiloh apostolic, end time prophetic ministry limite
The Companies Act - Licence
11th day of june, 2015. anthony hylton minister of industry, investment and commerce. no. 8/8/2255 no. 113m the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that city of refuge, shiloh apostolic, end time prophetic ministry limite