The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Southfield, in the parish of Saint Elizabeth) Order, 2013
1203 fo 297 7 tw gr: me st. euzabeth ts mot 207m 0: nr: tt, 3 bort 3 ?_ shares porsinsat, whar ys fordiaood reid ? cu wuom auc ? the sucriery sod dobe fain com, | iyo by eee br erin none i ave 40 00 cyt geoland. title tintiit . 23~80 graned
The Special Economic Zone (CRL SEZ Limited-Part of Torbay Reclaimed Lands and the Bogue Estate now called Montego Freeport in the parish of Saint James being Lots Numbered H38 and H38A) Order, 2019
1203 folio 904 of the register book of titles. commencing at the common corner of lands in the parish of saint james known as montego freeport registered at volume 1181 folio 575 of the register book of titles and the northern-eastern boundary of pimento
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Wentworth in the parish of St. Mary) Order, No. 0318/2019
1203 fol 554 = levemna cormack lc) o> 2 » ee & : ~° a & 3 1 sa : =ww ig vol 1203 fol 554 & 23 i@ lavanna cormack(rotss, & © z w ju ( jennifer johnson (occ) pa g g 5 & : mason hall pa = - &2 u © « : © oo > = |} s ¢' sf 5 = ea a | hy & i& wi j iw = | &j