12th day of june, 2011
18 of 2014 - The Quarantine (Validation and Indemnification) Act
12th day of june, 2011, in the purported exercise of the functions and duties of a member of the authority; to indemnify the members of the authority and all other persons from liability in relation thereto; and for connected matters. whereas section 3(1
18 of 2014 - The Quarantine (Validation and Indemnification) Act
12th day of june, 2011: and whereasxit is expedient to validate the exercise of those / . : . powers and the as of those duties during the period commencing on the 4th day of february, 2011 and ending on the 12th day of june, 2011, by those persons who
18 of 2014 - The Quarantine (Validation and Indemnification) Act
12th day of june, 2011, by the former members of the quarantine authority without being lawfully constituted to act as members of the authority, are hereby declared to have been validly, properly and lawfully done and carried out to all intents and purpos