The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Montego Bay Licensed Area, Rural Areas and Stage Carriage "B" (Prescribed fares) Order,2003.
$13.50 plus $1.80 perkm 2. children, student passengers, handicapped persons and dpensionets l.eviiiiniiiis ieee aceite sates sneer one-half fare charged to ordinary passengers. stage carriage ?b? (otherwise called route taxi) 1. ordinary passengers ..
The Transport Authority (Public Passenger Vehicles) (Montego Bay Licensed Area, Rural Areas and Stage Carriage "B" (Prescribed fares) Order,2003.
$13.50 plus $1.80 perkm 2. children, student passengers, handicapped persons and dpensionets l.eviiiiniiiis ieee aceite sates sneer one-half fare charged to ordinary passengers. stage carriage ?b? (otherwise called route taxi) 1. ordinary passengers ..
The Road Traffic (Amendment of First Schedule) (Licence Duties) Order, 2008
$13.500.00" respectively, and substituting therefor the numerals "$4,125.00". "$6.000.00"."$12.000.00" and "$20.250.00": (¢) in sub-paragraph (c) by deleting the numerals "$2,730.00" and substituting therefor the numerals "s44, 125.00": {dy in sub-parag