13th day of august, 2019
1_2022 -The Pensions (Jamaica Constabulary Force) (Validation and Indemnity) Act
13th day of august, 2019; to indemnify the government and all persons acting on behalf of the government from liability in relation thereto; and for connected matters. © ?whereas the pensions (public service) act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the act
1_2022 -The Pensions (Jamaica Constabulary Force) (Validation and Indemnity) Act
13th day of august, 2019, on the recommendation of the police service commission for the officers to retire on a date prior to the date of the repeal of section 56 of the repealed act or return to work: and whereas the approval for retirement granted by
1_2022 -The Pensions (Jamaica Constabulary Force) (Validation and Indemnity) Act
13th day of august, 2019, by the governor-general and persons acting on behalf of the government, in good faith, during the period commencing on the 13th day of february, 2019 and ending on the 13th day of august, 2019, are hereby declared to have been va