13th day of october, 2015
01_2018-The Licences on Trades and Business (Validation, Indemnification and Amendment) Act
13th day of october, 2015, for an additional period of three months: and whereas the continuance in force of the order ceased on the 30th day of december, 2015: and whereas no permanent amendment in relation to the matters comprised in the order was mad
24 of 2015 - The Bank of Jamaica (Amendment) Act
13th day of october, 2015 with two (2) amendments. michael a. peart passed in the senate this 23rd day of october, 2015. speaker. floyd e. morris this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the fore
31 of 2015 - The Cybercrimes Act-final
13th day of october, 2015 with two (2) amendments. michael a. peart speaker. passed in the senate this 27th day of november, 2015 with seventeen 17 amendments. norman w. grant acting president. on the 1st day of december, 2015 the house of representat