The Forest Act (Hazelymph Forest Reserve) Notice, 2014
1447. schedule, contd. part ii ? map of hazelymph ya ea pron he dm ment hazslymph ?hanover scale 1.10,000 date: apnl 2013 dated this 4th day of april, 2014. robert pickersgill minister of water, land environment and climate ch
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (ACS Business Process Solutions (Jamaica) Limited) Order, 2014
1447 folio 344 and described as follows: the north-eastern corner is defined by grid reference (n650256.17, e772694.20). the boundary is defined by a line running in a north-westerly direction from this point for 30.14m to grid reference (n650272.69, e77
The Jamaica Export Free Zones (ACS Business Process Solutions (Jamaica) Limited) Order, 2014
1447 folio 344 and described as follows: the north eastern corner is defined by grid reference (n 650256.17, e 772694.20). the boundary is defined by a line running in a north westerly direction from this point for 30.14m to grid reference (n 650272.69,
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Grants Mountain in the parish of Saint Ann) Order, No. 0314/2019
1447 vol. cxlii tuesday, december 31, 2019 no. 218 no. 308 the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification (special provisions) act the registration of titles, cadastral mapping and tenure clarification (special provisi