15_2011- The Appropriation Act
1649 1700 1800 1800a 2000 2000a 2000b 2011 2012 2019 2056 2600 2600a the appropriation act, 2011 sums granted heads of expenditure $'000 brought forward 17,429,816 office of the cabinet 352,562 office of the cabinet, capital 100,595 office of the
13_2010- The Appropriation Act
1649 1700 1800a 2000 2000a 2011 2012 2015 2019 2041 2042 204 2600 2600a the appropriation act, 2010 heads of expenditure brought forward office of the cabinet office of the cabinet, capital, muitilateral/bilateral programme (s) management i
7_2009- The Appropriation Act
1649 1700 1800 1800a 2000 2000a 2011 2012 2015 2019 2041 2042 2044 2600 2600a the appropriation act, 2009 heads of expenditure brought forward office of the cabinet office of the cabinet, capital, multilateral/bilateral programmes) management i