16th day
The Companies Act
16th day of december, 1999. phillip paulwell, minister of commerce and technology. no. 8/8/923 no. 2 the companies act licence whereas it has been proved to the minister that ecumenical church loan fund jamaica limited which was duly registered on th
The Public Defender (Interim) Act, 1999 (Appointed Day) Notice
16th day of april, 2000 is hereby appointed as the day on which the public defender (interim) act, 1999 shall come into operation. dated this 5th day of april, 2000. p. j. patterson, prime minister. opm100/19c printed by jamaica printing services (1
The Land Development and Utilisation Commission (Flint River) Idle Land (Revocation) Order, 2000
16th day of june, 2000. richard richardson, acting director. lorenzo campbell, j.p. chairman, land development and utilisation commission. no. au/h25 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (6overnment printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica
Revocation from Certification Mark Programme
16th day of june, 2000. omer thomas, ph.d. for and on behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 100 the standards act (notice under section 10 (1)) revocation from certification mark programme notice is hereby given that the bureau of standards has revoke
Revocation from Certification Mark Programme
16th day of june, 2000. omzer thomas, ph.d. for on and behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 101 : the standards act (notice under section 10 (i)) withdrawal from certification mark programme notice is hereby given that: ? 1. cmp consumer products li
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
16th day of june, 2000. omer thomas, ph.d. for on and behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 101 the standards act (notice under section 10 (i) withdrawal from certification mark programme notice is hereby given that: ? 1. cmp consumer products limite
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
16th day of june, 2000. omer thomas, ph.d. for and on behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 102 the standards act (notice under section 10 (i)) withdrawal from certification mark programme notice is hereby given that: ? 1. cmp consumer products lim
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
16th day of june, 2000. omer thomas, ph.d. for and on behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 102 the standards act (notice under section 10 (1)) withdrawal from certification mark programme notice is hereby given that: ? 1. cmp consumer products lim
The Income Tax (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica - US$28,090,000.00 - Promissory Notes Issues: 11.5% Notes Due September 28, 2001) Order, 2000
16th day of august, 2000. omar davies, minister of finance and planning. no. 285/293 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) lyd,, (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Housing Scheme Part Of Number Two Hundred And Thirty One And Two Hundred And Thirty-Three Spanish Town Road (Inner-city Re-Development), St. Andrew (Housing Area) Order,2004.
16th day of august, 2004. donald buchanan minister of water and housing. 922a the housing act (act 5508 1968) tir housing scheme part of number two hundred and thirty one and two hundred and thirty=ttiree spanish town road (innercity re-development), st