The Moneylending (Exemption) (CSK Internet and Small Loans Limited) Order, 2015
1708 vol. cxxxviit sunday, january 4, 2015 no. 3a! no. 3a! the moneylending act the moneylending (exemption) (csk internet and small loans limited) order, 2015 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by subsection (1) of sect
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Coolshade also called Buxton Town in the parish of Saint Catherine) Order, 2018
1708 w 14476 nes ns54234w 1523 n42 30 ssw 15.185. > to. bog wan n37 m43 e 59799 section 1 n 4b 43 02 ? 19.133 hubert brown i 16? 23422 sasarire fr. mount success a s47 44 44 £10983 hubert bro 2 coolshade sen. ne s425 18e 12835 a, ton town p. 5 4 3 sme 266