The General Consumption Tax (Amendment of Schedule) Order,2003.
1728 vol. cxxvi friday, june 6, 2003 no. 54c no. 64c the following order was confirmed by the house of representatives on july 16, 2003: the general consumption tax act the general consumption tax (amendment of schedule) order, 2003 in exercise
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Berwick Known As Bariffe Hall In The Parish of Saint Mary) Order, 2017
17286 9606 4 y 106 s18 s9w 281.582 3 fol « * 3 ky o 7 & wy " fa vol.124 fol. 26 (vol. nn [hazerazs tl ferwick known as ol vor. 124 fol. 26 be rd gladys linton (occ.) ne ed) oracabessa p.c. ~ r o st oe § * ot ren es a %, : 0 / vol.124 foi 26 ° ties(contd)