The Moneylending (Designated Authority) Order,2003
1841 vol. cxxvi friday, june 27, 2003 no. 60d no. 71p the money laundering act the money laundering (designated authority) order, 2003 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 2(1) of the money laundering act, the following orde
The Declaration of Approved Export Manufacturer (Spur Tree Spices Jamaica Limited) Order, 2013
1841 vol. cxxxvi wednesday, march 20, 2013 no. 17g no. 53l ?the export industry encouragement act the declaration of approved export manufacturer (spur tree spices jamaica limited) order, 2013 in exercise of the powers conferred on the min
The Record of Deeds, Wills and Letters Patent Act - Trusts and Estates
1841 evidence 11. records of wills executed since 1841, and probate of wills to be evidence in respect of real estate. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 480/1973]
The Record of Deeds, Wills and Letters Patent Act - Trusts and Estates
1841 evidence 11. the record of any will made on or since the first day records of january, 1841, proved before the twenty-seventh day of pein november, 1884, and on which letters testamentary have sins otate issued according to the practice of the cou