The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Section- Part of Exton, Saint Elizabeth ) Order, 2011
1857 114934004 unregistered 1830 114934005 unregistered 728 114934006 unregistered 1332 114934007 unregistered 1084 114934008 unregistered 843 114934009 unregistered 62 114934010 unregistered 1381 114934011 unregistered 609 114934012 unregistered 1069 114
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping And Tenure Clarification ( Special Provision) ( Section 5- Part of Exton, saint Elizabeth ) Order, 2011
1857 114934004 unregistered 1830 114934005 unregistered 728 114934006 unregistered 1332 114934007 unregistered 1034 114934008 unregistered 848 114934009 unregistered 628 114934010 unregistered 1381 114934011 unregistered 60d 114934012 unregistered 1069 11
The Executors' Renunciation Act - Trusts and Estates
1857] 1. this act may be cited as the executors? renuncia- tion act. 2. any person named and appointed an executor or executrix who shall not have in any way acted or interfered with the estate of his or her testator or testatrix, and who shall at any t
The Patent Act
1857] 1. this act may be cited as the patent act. preliminary 2. in this act? ?invention?, ?discovery? and ?improvement? respectively shall mean any manner of new manufacture or new mode of manufacture the subject of letters patent and grant of privileg
The Riot Act - Courts and Judiciary
1857.] 1. this act may be cited as the riot act. part i. riot 2. if any persons, to the number of twelve or more, being unlawfully, riotously and tumultuously assembled together to the disturbance of the public peace at any time after the passing of th