The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification ( Special Provisions) ( Section 5- Part of Strathbogie In The Parish of Westmoreland) Order, 2016
1923 peiogs- remarks: ll marke are iron pegs unless otherwise stated. sawaca ss. area notices were served on v parish 869.377 sq. metres the secretary ? name of property: part of strathbogie myrtle smith, olive smith, b. watson and w. titus. w
The Arbitration (Recognition and Enforcement, etc.) Act - Courts and Judiciary
1923 and the geneva convention on the execution of foreign arbitral awards of 1927 shall cease to have effect between contracting states on their becoming bound and to the extent that they become bound, by this convention. article viii 1. this convention
The Judgments and Awards (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act
1923] 1. this act may be cited as the judgments and awards short title. (reciprocal enforcement) act. 2.?(1) in this act? interpreta- ?judgment? means any judgment or order given or made from by a court in any civil proceedings, whether before or after
The Arbitration (Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards) Act
1923 and the geneva convention on the execution of foreign arbitral awards of 1927 shall cease to have effect between contracting states on their becoming bound and to the extent that they become bound, by this onvention. article viii 1. this conventio
20_2001- The Arbitration (Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Awards) Act
1923 and the geneva convention on the execution of foreign arbitral awards of 1927 shall cease to have effect between contracting states on their becoming bound and to the extent that they become bound, by this onvention. article viii 1. this conventio
The Dangerous Drugs Act
1923 pil. hydrarg. c. cret. et opi, b.p.c. 1934 pulv. cretae aromat. c. opio, b.p. 1932 pulv. ipecac. et opii, b.p. 1932 suppos. plumbi ¢. opio, b.p. 1932 tabellae plumbi ¢. opio, b.p.c. 1934 elixir diamorphinae et terpini c. apomorphina, b.p.c. 193