The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
1929, hereinafter referred to as the ?warsaw convention?, and other related instruments to the harmonization of private - intermational air law; | recognizing the need to modernize and consolidate the warsaw convention and related instruments; recogniz
The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
1929 (hereinafter called the warsaw convention); the protocol to amend the convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air signed at warsaw on 12 october, 1929, done at the hague on 28 september, 1955 (hereinafte
The Law Revision Act
1929 35 of 1931 law revision first schedule (section 9) title or subject matter an act to explain and amend an act for the ascertainment and regulation of emblements. an act to facilitate the recovery of forfeited recognizances and pecuniary fines.
The Law Revision Act
1929 35 of 1931 law revision first schedule (section 9) title or subject matter an act to explain and amend an act for the ascertainment and regulation of emblements. an act to facilitate the recovery of forfeited recognizances and pecuniary fines.
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
1929, hereinafter referred to as the ?warsaw convention?, and other related instruments to the harmonization of private international air law; recognizing the need to modernize and consolidate the warsaw convention and related instruments; recognizing t
2_2009- The Carriage by Air (Montreal Convention) Act
1929 (hereinafter called the warsaw convention); the protocol to amend the convention for the unification of certain rules relating to international carriage by air signed at warsaw on 12 october, 1929, done at the hague on 28 september, 1955 (hereinafte