The Law Revision Act
1935 law 8 of 1955 law 32 of 1956 law 40 of 1956 law 67 of 1956 law 70 of 1956 law 71 of 1956 law revision fst schedule, contd. {section 9) title or subject matter the estate duty law, 1954. the estate duty (amendment) law, 1955. the british ca
The Local Industries (Safeguarding) Act
1935] ?ad sem 1. this act may be cited as the local industries (safe- shorttite. guarding) act. © 2. in this act? : interpreta- ?factory? means any building or place intended to be fon used, or used, for the manufacture of any article the manufacture of
The Passport Act - Citizenship and Nationality
1935.) i 1. this act may be cited as the passport act. short title, 2. in this act? interpre- ?jamaican passport? means a passport issued under this jas act to a citizen of jamaica, s. 2. ?officer? means any person appointed by the governor- general unde
The Rum (Ether) Control Act
1935 g.n. 128/35 [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 4/1976)
The Rum (Ether) Control Act
1935 (proclaimed by the governor in privy council on the 18th day of gn. 128/38 february, 1953) 1. this order may be cited as the rum (ether) control order, 1935. 2. the maximum ether content of rum manufactured -in ?this island shall be and the same i