The Employed Agencies ( Amendment) Regulation, 2010
1957 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) and all amendments thereto. 2. paragraph (2) of regulation 2 of the principal regulations is amended by deleting the words ?six thousand? and substituting therefor the words ?five hundred thousa
The Employed Agencies ( Amendment) ( No. 2) regulation, 2010 Regulation, 2010
1957 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) and all amendments thereto, and shall come into operation on the 3rd day of august, 2010. 2. regulation 12 of the principal regulations is deleted and the following substituted therefor?
The Employment Agencies (Amendment) Regulations, 2019
1957 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations), and all amendments thereto. 2. schedule d to the principal regulations is amended by deleting from form no. 1 the words? ?workers excluded: workers under the h2a programme in the usa, farm and
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Brook Lodge in the parish of Saint Thomas) Order, No. 0552/2020
1957.865 vou. (451 fol. 312 n e 790632.416 opol millwood and n leroy millwood ny gin. jad [2001 > beresford bottieste § nb23se 4.785 agatha grant a g 3 o brook % lodge alg ® % he 10 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 metres 2 5 scar 1 cm = 5 m r.f. 1/500 note memora 1)
The Apprenticeship Act - Employment
1957, act 10f 1979 1st sch. short title. 2. in this act, unless the context otherwise requirés? interpreta- tion. ?apprentice? means a person employed under a contract of apprenticeship; ?apprenticeship order? means an apprenticeship order made in acc
The Attestation of Instruments (Facilities) Act
1957.] 1. this act may be cited as the attestation of instruments (facilities) act. 46 2. notwithstanding the definition of ?a justice? or ?a justice of the peace? contained in the provisions of section 3 of the interpretation act, or anything containe
The Beach Control Act - Environment
1957, [1st june, 1956.1 12011958, 5 of 1959, 25 of 1960. acts 14 of 1964, 42 of 1969 3rd sch. preliminary 1. this act may be cited as the beach control act. 2. in this act, unless the context otherwise requires? ?adjoining land? means land adjoining th
The Children (Guardian and Custody) Act - Children
1957.] 11 of 1991, 7 of 2011 sch., 2 0f2017. 1. this act may be cited as the children (guardianship and short title. custody) act. 2.?(1) in this act, unless the context otherwise requires? interpreta- : za l.nn. sa 149/78, (a) the supreme court; or 64
The Co-operative Societies Act - Companies and Associations
1957 s. 16. conversion effective upon issue of certifi- cate of registration by registrar. provision for fines and penalties against members. co-operative societies society registered under the friendly societies act may by special resolution determin
The Cocoa Industry Board Act - Agriculture
1957, 61 of 1958. the cocoa industry board act a1o1563, 3 of 1968, ust august, 1957] loa 2 of 1991. 1. this act may be cited as the cocoa industry board snort tite. act. preliminary 2. in this act, unless the context otherwise requires? interpre- ta
The Coconut Industry Control Act - Agriculture
1957. [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n. 87/2004]
The Electricity (Frequency Conversion) Act - Public Utilities
1957.) 1. this act may be cited as the electricity (frequency short title, conversion} act. 2. in this act? interpreta- eo eo. . tion ?commission? means the commission established under section 3; ?consumer? means a consumer of electricity supplied by