1971 5
The Harbours Act
1971 54.?(1) no vessel ?entering or leaving the harbour shall attempt to pass another in the channel between the line joining gun cay and rackham cay on one side and by the line joining harbour shoal buoy and west middle rock buoy on the other side; or n
The Harbours Act
1971 57. montego bay: no vessel shall anchor within a radius of 1,000 feet of anchorage a which is 6.4 cables 305 degrees true from the lower leading light without the prior permission of the harbour master. vessels may anchor at any other part of the ha
The Land Surveyors Act
1971 5. the compass: use of the prismatic compass; the correction to magnetic north for annual variation; the relation of magnetic north to grid north and true north; simple problems involving intersection and resection. 6. map scales; representative fr