The National Water Commission (Water Supply Services) (Rates and Charges) (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
1985 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) and all amendments thereto. (2) these regulations shall come into force on the 10th day of july, 2000. the third schedule to the principal regulations is amended by inserting next after item 58
Revocation from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). dated this 16th day of june, 2000. omer thomas, ph.d. for and on behalf of the bureau of standards. no. 100 the standards act (notice under section 10 (1)) revo
Revocation from Certification Mark Programme
1985, standard hollow concrete blocks. 2. conducen s.a. licence no. a12/93. the company is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection with electrical cables: single core- insulated and non-insulated which no longer conforms with
Revocation from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 28. tropical battery company limited, licence no. 12/87. the company is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection with tropical battery de
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 28. tropical battery company limited, licence no. 12/87. the company is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection with tropical battery de
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 11. vap limited, has withdrawn licence no. a2/93 from the certification mark programme and is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection wi
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 12. vap limited, has withdrawn licence no. a3/93 from the certification mark programme and is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection wi
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 12. vap limited, has withdrawn licence no. a3/93 from the certification mark programme and is no longer authorised to use the standard mark 1 or 2 in connection wi
Withdrawal from Certification Mark Programme
1985 quality assurance systems: generic criteria and js 36: 1991 processed food (general). 13. vap limited, has withdrawn licence no. a2/93 from the certification mark programme, effective april 17, 2000, and is no longer authorised to use the standard m
The National Water Comission (Water Supply Services) (Rates and Charges) (Amendment) Regulation, 2001
1985 (hereinafter referred to as the principal regulations) and all amendments thereto. 2. these regulations shall come into force on the 25th day of january, 2001.
The Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations,2003.
1985; (b) "licensed scuba diving operator" means a person licensed under the tourist board act to operate a tourism enterprise whichis a scuba diving operation as defined in regulation 15 of the tourist board (water sports) regulations.
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
1985, respectively: and whereas article vii of the agreement which is contained in the schedule attached hereto provides, inter alia, that the corporation shall enjoy in each member state such privileges and immunities as may be necessary for the fulfilm
The Diplomatic Immunities and Privileges (Inter-American Investment Corporation) Order,2003.
1985, december 31, 1986, and december 31, 1987, respectively. the payment of each of the last three installments of capital subscribed by each of the member countries shall be subject to fulfillment of such legal requirements as may be appropriate in the