19th sept
Licence (Development Jamaica Limited)
19th september, 2001 does by this licence authorize manpower and maintenance services foundation limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day of
Licence (Manpower and Maintenance Services Foundation Limited)
19th september, 2001 does by this licence authorize manpower and maintenance services foundation limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day o
Licence (Greater Works International Fellowship Limited)
19th september, 2001 does by this licence authorize manpower and maintenance services foundation limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day o
Licence (Andrew Scott Ministries International Limited)
19th september, 2001 does by this licence authorize manpower and maintenance services foundation limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day of
Licence-The New Testament United Holiness Church of Christ Limited
19th september, 2008, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and profi
Licence-Wesley Parker Foundation Limited
19th september, 2008, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and profi
Licence- Vere Technical Future Foundation Limited
19th september, 2008, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and profi
Licence - Caribbean Community of Retired Persons Limited
19th september, 1991, does by this licence authorize harvest time church of } god limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of : the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 23rd day of july, 2013.
The Companies Act - Licence
19th september, 2007, does by this licence authorize follow the source discipleship training centre limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this ist day
Licence - Black River Hospital Foundation Limited
19th september, 2017, as a limited liability company, is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and prof
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
19th sept- ember, 1974, was registered under the dental law (now repealed) shall be deemed, at the said date, to be registered as a dentist under this act, and the registrar shall as soon as practicable after such date, enter the name, address, qualificat
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
19th september, 1974, to the council in the prescribed form for en- rolment as a member of any prescribed class of dental auxiliary; and (b) satisfies the council that he? (i) is of good character; and [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l.n.
The Dental Act - Health and Safety
19th september, 1974, or such other period in lieu thereof as may be prescribed and gained sufficient experience to enable him to perform those functions satisfactorily; and (c) pays such registration fee as may be prescribed, the council shall, after c
The Dental Act
19th september, 1974] part i?preliminary 1. these regulations may be cited as the dental regulations, 1974. 2. in these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires? ?approved training institution? means an institution approved by the council as