1st day of april, 2018
The Fishing Industry ( Declaration of Close Season) ( Conch, Genus Strombus) Order, 2017
1st day of april, 2018, is hereby declared to be a close season for conch, genus strombus. dated this 28th day of july, 2017. karl samuda . minister of industry, commerce, agriculture ~ and fisheries.
08_2018-The Appropriation Act
1st day of april, 2018. (2) in addition to the said sum granted out of the consolidated fund, accounting officers may apply out of any money, whether received by way of fee, penalty, proceeds of sale, or by way of extra or unusual receipt, as appropriati
1_2022 -The Pensions (Jamaica Constabulary Force) (Validation and Indemnity) Act
1st day of april, 2018: and whereas the act introduced several changes to the eligibility requirements for retirement, the calculation of retiring benefits for public ne - &
1_2022 -The Pensions (Jamaica Constabulary Force) (Validation and Indemnity) Act
1st day of april, 2018: and whereas it would be desirable to validate and confirm as lawful the approval granted by the governor-general to retire the officers on the recommendation of the police service commission in good faith, and inadvertent as to th