20 dollars
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
20 dollars 10.00 50 dollars 10.00 100 dollars 15.00 200 dollars 30.00 300 dollars 45.00 400 dollars 60.00 500 dollars 75.00 parcels for each 500g or fractional part thereof 60.00 storage charge on parcels and letters weighing more than 300g from overseas
The Road Traffic (St. Catherine Parish Council) (Parking and Parking Metres) (Amendment) Rules, 2008
20 dollars,? "one hour - 30 dollars" and "two hours - 50 dollars? respectively and substituting therefor the words "fifty dollars ($50) per hour or any part thereof".
20 dollars,? ???one hour - 30 dollars? and ?two hours - 50 dollars,? respectively and substituting therefor the words ?fifty dollars ($50) per hour or any part thereof.? 3. notice is hereby give by the st. catherine parish council that with effect from