2001 r. d. pickersgill
The Mining Regulations, 1947 (Glencore Alumina Jamaica Limited) (Exemption) Regulations, 2001
2001 r. d. pickersgill, minister of mining and energy. j no. 73f / the bauxite and alumina industries (special provisions) act \ /the alumina industry (jamaica bauxites limited) (revocation of recognized producer status) order, 2001 whereas jamaica ba
The Bauxite and Alumina Industries (Special Provisions) (Aluminium Company of Canada Limited) (Revocation of Associated Producer Status) Order, 2001
2001 r. d. pickersgill, minister of mining and energy. no. 73e the bauxite and alumina industries (specta 1. provisions) act the mining regulations, 1947 (glencore alumina jamaica limited) (exemption) regulations, 2001 whereas glencore alumina jamaica