The Jamaica International Financial Services Authority Act, 2011 ( Appointment Day) Notice
2011 no. 41e no. 65t the jamaica international financial services authority act the jamaica international financial services authority act, 2011 (appointed day) notice in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister by section 1(2) of the i
The Companies ( Names of Directors, Exemption) National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited Formerly Barclayys Bank of Jamaica Bank of Jamaica Limited Order, 2011
2011° no. 128a? no. 17542 the companies act the companies (names of director, exemption) national commercial bank jamaica limited formerly barclays bank of jamaica limited order, 2011 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by subs
The Companies ( Names of Directors, Exemption) National Commercial Bank Jamaica Limited Formerly Barclayys Bank of Jamaica Bank of Jamaica Limited Order, 2011
2011 (2) this exemption shall remain in force for such time as the name of the company remains the same, and the directors of the company remain the same|and of the same names and nationality as at the date of this exemption, and for a period of th
The Stamp Duty (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes Due 2011) (Remission) Notice, 2001
2011) (remission) notice, 2001 in exercise of the power conferred on the minister of section 80b of the stamp duty act, the following notice is hereby issued: "1. this notice may be cited as the stamp duty (government of jamaica us$125,000,000.00 11.75
The Income Tax Act (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Order, 2001
2011) order, 2001 whereas by section 12 (m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest on any loan charged on the consolidated fund shall, in so far as the minister shall
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Directions, 2001
2011) order, 2001 whereas by section 12 (m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning may, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest on any loan charged on the consolidated fund shall, in so far as the minister shall
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$125,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Declaration Order, 2001
2011) declaration order, 2001 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister of finance and planning by virtue of section 3 (2) of the loans (canada, united states of america and other specified countries) act, and of every other power hereunto en
The Income Tax Act (Declaration of Exemption) (Government of Jamaica US$275,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Order, 2001
2011) order, 2001 whereas by section 12 (m) of the income tax act, the minister of finance and planning yay, by order published in the gazette, provide that the interest on any loan charged on the consolidated fund shall, in so far as the minister shall
The Loans (Canada, United States of America and Other Specified Countries) (Government of Jamaica US$275,000,000.00 11.75% Notes due 2011) Declaration Order, 2001
2011) declaration order, 2001 in exercise of the powers conferred upon the minister of finance and planning by virtue of section 3 (2) of the loans (canada, united states of america and other specified countries) act, and of every other power hereunto en
The Urban Renewal (Approved Developer) (Fidelity Motors Limited) Order, 2002
2011, during the incentive period, unless previously revoked in accordance with the provisions of the act. 6. the approved developer shall keep separate accounts relating to the im- provement works carried out as specified. 7. every approved developer s
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Merrils Beach Resort) Order, 2002
2011. dated this 18th day of march, 2002. portia simpson-miller, minister of tourism and sport. no. 9/903 /408 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Approved Hotel Enterprise (Knutsford Court Hotel) Order, 2002
2011. dated this 18th day of march, 2002. portia simpson-miller, minister of tourism and sport. no. 9/903/486 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., jamaica.
The Approved Extension (Hotel Versalles Extension) Order, 2002
2011. dated this 11th day of november, 2002. aloun n?'dombet assamba, minister of industry and tourism. no. 9/903/559 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st. kgn., jamaica, ~y
The Recognized Extension ( Prospect Plantain Villas) Order, 2005
2011. dated this 22nd day of march, 2005. aloun n'dombet assamba minister of industry and tourism. no.9/903/443 printed by jamaica printing services (1932: ltd.. (government printers}, duke street. kingston. jamaica