2013 7
20 of 2013 - Aquaculture, Inland and Marine Products and By-Products (Inspection, Licensing and
2013 7. the principal act is amended by inserting next after section 6, insertion of the following as section 6a? new section 6a in principal act. « laboratory, 6a. every person or operator who uses the diagnostic 1aboratory, diagnostic or monitoring se
36 of 2013 - Income Tax Relief (Large-scale Projects and Pioneer Industries) Act
2013 7.?(1) notwithstanding the provisions of sections 3 and 6, as applicable, the minister shall not at any time during a financial year make an order under section 3 or grant a certificate of approval under section 6, if the minister is satisfied that
The Security Interests in Personal Property Act
2013 7.?(1) subject to paragraph (2), for the purposes of calculating the registration period, a year runs from the beginning of the day of registration or from the anniversary of the day of registration. (2) if the day of registration or an anniversary