The Census Order, 2011
2031? pc 011b 4.6 in what parish did you/did .... last live? 4,7 have you/has .... ever lived outside of jamaica for one year or more continuously? o yes 1 - 4 years o no (go to section 5) o yes 5 years or.more ~~ o not stated o kingston o ha
The Registration of Titles, Cadastral Mapping and Tenure Clarification (Special Provisions) (Section 5-Part of Bellevue, Saint Catherine) Order, 2014
2031. april 1986 richard a. haddad commissioned land surveyor maks na 0. no ot ums uisd fea p pon pate of lays ta check kesh | 90 ~ satisfactory teleohare: 92-7813 [xh amended .. in t87/81
The Tax Collection (Approved Write-Off) (No. 3) Order, 2018
2031; tax dec 2014 & - 165,000.00 38,554.82 203,554.82 dec 2013 personal > income dec 2013 to - 260,000.00 45,147.16 305,147.16 patrick hill tax dec 2016 ) education tax dec 2013 - 80,000.00 13,371.88 93,371.88 aug 2014 to dec 2014; jan annmarie gct bl en