21st october
Licence - Church of God Faith Assemblies Limited
21st october, 1999 as a © limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act, and that it is ?the intention of the said company that the income and profi
Licence - Michael Manley Foundation Limited
21st october, 1999 as a © limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act, and that it is ?the intention of the said company that the income and profi
Licence - Mount Zion United Baptists Healing Temple Church Limited
21st october, 1999 as a © limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 20 of the companies act, and that it is ?the intention of the said company that the income and profi
The Companies Act - Licence
21st october, 2004, does by this licence authorize sunset heal limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day of october, 2005. phillip paulwell
The Companies Act - Licence
21st october, 2004, does by this licence authorize sunset heal limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day of october, 2005. phillip paulwell
The Companies Act - Licence
21st october, 2004, does by this licence authorize sunset heal limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 10th day of october, 2005. phillip paulwell
Licence-Midland Bible Institute Limited
21st october, 2003, does by this licence authorize midland bible institute limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this 14th day of november, 2008. karl
Licence-The New Testament United Holiness Church of Christ Limited
21st october, 2003, does by this licence authorize midland bible institute limited to make by special resolution a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its name. dated at kingston this [4th day of november, 2008. karl
Licence- Jamaica Care Council Limited
21st october. 2009, does by this licence authorize jamaica care council limited to make by special resolrion a change in its name consisting of the omission of the word ?limited? from its nam dated at kingston this 7th day of may. 2010. karl samuda mini
Licence- Greendale/Twickenham Garden Citizens Association Limited
21st october, 2010, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and profits
The General Consumption Tax Act
21st october, 1991, any unused goods that are stock-in-~ [the inclusion of this page is authorized by l. n. 173/2019]