23rd day of june
The Constitution of Jamaica
23rd day of june, in the year of our lord two thousand and the forty-ninth year of the reign of her ?? ee re . - ee ei. majesty queen elizabeth 11. a no. c. 6634" printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd , (government printers), duke stre
The Approved Hotel Extension (Swept Away Negril Extension) Order, 2003
23rd day of june, 2004. 5. the relevant concession period shall be ten years commencing on the 23rd day of june, 2004 and ending on the 22nd day of june, 2014. dated this 17th day of march, 2003. aloun n'dombet assamba, minister of industry and tourism
The Bank of Jamaica ( Dealings In Foreign Currency ) ( Loans To Sunset Jamaica Grande Resorts Limited) ( Exemption ) Order, 2005
23rd day of june, 2005. omar davies minister of finance and planning, no. 840/148 printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., {government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Judicature ( Children's Court) Order, 2005
23rd day of june, 2005. no. ops/c/38 schedule location spanish town may pen mandeville santa cruz clarke's town st. ann's bay port maria port antonio morant bay : sa a. j. nicholson minister of justice. printed by jamaica printing services (
The Prohibition from Landing (Mendez Guillerno) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. [30d the aliens act the prohibition from landing (carlos alvarez) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Prohibition from Landing (Carlos Alvarez) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. [30d the aliens act the prohibition from landing (carlos alvarez) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Prohibition from Landing (Andrew Miraldo) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 130d the aliens act the prohibition from landing (carlos alvarez) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every o
The Prohibition from Landing (Andrew Miraldo) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 130f the aliens act the prohibition from landing (elleso trapp quinn) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of eve
The Prohibition from Landing (Elleso Trapp Quinn) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 130f the aliens act the prohibition from landing (elleso trapp quinn) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of ever
The Prohibition from Landing (Maselmo Dismarck) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 130f the aliens act the prohibition from landing (elleso trapp quinn) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of ever
The Prohibition from Landing (Mubit Calbiot) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 1301 the aliens act the prohibition from landing (delfton beajego) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every
The Prohibition from Landing (Delfton Beajego) Order, 2006
23rd day of june, 2006. peter phillips minister of national security. no. 1301 the aliens act the prohibition from landing (delfton beajego) order, 2006 in exercise of the power conferred upon the minister by section 6 of the aliens act, and of every