24th day of september, 2000
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2000
24th day of september, 2000. 3. during the shooting season the following game birds white-crowned pigeon (bald pate) (columba leucocephala), white-winged dove (zenaida asiatica) and mourning dove (long-tailed pea dove) (zenaida macroura) may lawfully be
The Wild Life (Shooting Season) Order, 2000
24th day of september, 2000. 3. during the shooting season the following game birds white-crowned pigeon (bald pate) (columba leucocephala), white-winged dove (zenaida asiatica) and mourning dove (long-tailed pea dove) (zenaida macroura) may lawfully be