The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) Order, 2002
$2,750.00 (b) motor cars? where the cylinder capacity of the engine?does not exceed 1,199 cubic centimetres i" i. each $2,750.00 exceeds 1,199 cubic centimetres but does not exceed 2,999 cubic centimetres i. i. each $4,000.00 exceed 2,999 cubic centime
Corrigendum-The Road Traffic Act (Licence Duties) Order.
$2,750.00 (b) motor cars? where the cylinder capacity of the engine?does not exceed 1,199 cubic centimetres i? i? each $2,750.00 exceeds 1,199 cubic centimetres but does not exceed 2,999 cubic centimetres - i. each $4,000.00 exceeds 2,999 cubic centime
The Toll Roads (Particulars Required In Application For Permission To Levy Toll) Regulations,2003 Resolution.
$2,750.00 (b) motor cars? where the cylinder capacity of the engine??does not exceed 1,199 cubic centimetres . - each $2,750.00 exceeds 1,199 cubic centimetres but does not exceed 2,999 cubic centimetres - each $4,000.00 exceeds 2,999 cubic centimet
The Road Traffic (Amendment of First Schedule) (Licence Duties) Order, 2008
$2,750.00", $4,000.00", $8.000.00" and "$13.500.00" respectively, and substituting therefor the numerals "$4,125.00". "$6.000.00"."$12.000.00" and "$20.250.00": (¢) in sub-paragraph (c) by deleting the numerals "$2,730.00" and substituting therefor the n