29th day of may, 2012
The Electoral Commission (Interim) Act
29th day of may, 2012) 1. these regulations may be cited as the electoral commission (director of elections retiring benefits) regulations, 2012. 2. in these regulations, ?pensionable emoluments? has the meaning assigned to it by the pensions act and, i
The Electoral Commission (Interim) Act
29th day of may, 2012) chi tases i. these regulations may be cited as the electoral commission (comis- cintion sioners retiring benefits) regulations, 2012. 2.?(1) in these regulations? interpeceation ?commissioner? means a member of the electoral com
The Electoral Commission (Interim) Act
29th day of may, 2012) ln part i. preliminary 1. these regulations may be cited as the electoral commission ciution (employees retiring benefits) regulations, 2012. 2.?(1) in these regulations? interpretation ?house allowance? ? (a) does not include al