3 33
The Highway 2000 (Part of Phase 1) Toll Order, 2006
3 33 \ x o =3 £3 \ xe <% \ %5 be nx x 3 % =f \ x x \ \ \ es bn 5 \ he n\ x \ x ? x ec highway 2000 dated this 7th day of july, 2006. robert pickersgill minister of housing, transport, water and works. printed by jamaicaprinting services (1992) ltd
The Harbours Act
3 33. number of red distress flares provided 34. date of manufacture of flares 35. is suitable anchor provided? 36. type and size 37. is wrap suitable and 10 fathoms in length? 38. is load line marked on hull? 1st survey surveyor?s remarks subsequent rene