The Jamaica Racing Commission Racing Rules, 1977 (Amendment Rules) (No. 1), 2002
$3,500.00 greater than 9 less than or equal to 12 months cs $4,500.00 greater than 12 less than or equal to 15 months rs $6,000.00 greater than 15 less than or equal to 18 months ia $7,000.00 greater than 18 less than or equal to 12 months te $8,000.00 gr
The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$3,500.00 20. appearances in chambers? supreme court non-contentious matters (a) attendance in chambers $6,000.00 {b} attendance at case management conferences i. $3,000.00 per hour or part thereof (c) attendance in an advisory capacity $1,500.00 contenti
The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$3,500.00 for market value up to $2,000,000.00; n ee x t $3,000,000.00 {of market value).25%of market value; n ee x t $3,000,000.00 (of market value) .2% of marketvalue; exceeding $8,000,000, 1% of market value $2,000.00 $1,500.00
The Companies Act - ( Act 10 of 2004)
$3,500.00 (legal officer one day or part thereof) senior counsel i» - i? $52,000.00 junior counsel - i. i. i $12,000.00 dated this 17th day of january, 2005. phillip paulwell minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 8/1/01 vol xi printed
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) Order, 2006
$3,500.00 section 97 failure to obey red light or stop sign $4,000.00 failure to comply with any other traffic sign $3,000.00 schedule, contd. section 100 failure to stop at school crossing $5,000.00 section 101 (8) failure to stop at pedestrian crossing
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$3,500.00 2. general admission no charge as specified in (including room and part iii with board and routine medical deposit of care in maternity case) $8,000.00 payable in advance 3. operations appliances no charge actual cost major no charge $18,000.00
The Jamaica racing Commission Racing Rules, 1977( Amendment Rules) ( No.2), 2011
$3,500.00? from line 1 and by the insertion in its place the figures ?$5,003.00?. 28. rule 253 subsection (x) of the principal rules is hereby amended by the deletion of the figures ?$500.00? from line 2 and by the insertion in its place the figures ?$1,
The Companies ( Names of Directors, Exemption) RBC Royal Bank ( Jamaica) Limited Formerly RBTT Bank Limited Order, 2011
$3,500.00? from line 1 and by the insertion in its place the figures ?$5,003.00?. 28. rule 253 subsection (x) of the principal rules is hereby amended by the deletion of the figures ?$500.00? from line 2 and by the insertion in its place the figures ?$1,
22 of 2021- The Road Traffic Act
$3,500.00 $3,500.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 xd
9_2020- The Authentication (Foreign Public Documents) Act
$3,500.00 per document four hour service passed in the house of representatives this 6th day of october 2020 with eight (8) amendments. juliet holness deputy speaker. passed in the senate this 16th day of october, 2020 with twelve (12) amendments. cha