The Shipping (Fees) Regulations, 2005
$425 a licence or endorsement for a 15. registration of priority notice $75 jamaican ship and the issue of to a licence or endorsement where 16. publication and forms $100 appropriate 150 17. discharge of mortgage $150 | 45. preliminary assessment of appl
The Shipping (Fees) Regulations, 2005
$425 (u.s) 22. assignment of amendment of mortgage $250 (u.s) 23. discharge of a mortgage $150 (u.s) 24. unspecified mortgage service $100 (u.s) 25. priority notice $30 (u.s) 26. transcript of register $75 (us) 27. inspection of register $60 (u.s) 28. for
The Approved Organization and Authority Loans ( Government Guarantee ) ( Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited 425, 000..000.00 Loan To Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited) Remission ) Order, 2009
$425,000,000.00 loan to jamaica urban transit company limited) (remission) order, 2009 whereas the bank of nova scotia jamaica limited (the ?bank?) has agreed to lend to jamaica urban transit company limited (?jutc?) up to four hundred and twenty-five mi
The Approved Organization and Authority Loans ( Government Guarantee ) ( Bank of Nova Scotia Jamaica Limited 425, 000..000.00 Loan To Jamaica Urban Transit Company Limited) Remission ) Order, 2009
$425,000,000.00 loan to jamaica urban transit company limited) (remission) order, 2009 and shall take effect and come into operation as law on the date hereof. 2. stamp duty and transfer tax which may be charged or chargeable on or in respect of the loan