The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment) Order, 2001
$4,500.00 middle income (per week) $4,501.00 ? $9,000.00 i. i. i. ee 90 high income (per week) es a te cs 70 above $9,000.00 he dated this 17th day of december, 2001. p. j. patterson, prime minister.
The Jamaica Racing Commission Racing Rules, 1977 (Amendment Rules) (No. 1), 2002
$4,500.00 greater than 12 less than or equal to 15 months rs $6,000.00 greater than 15 less than or equal to 18 months ia $7,000.00 greater than 18 less than or equal to 12 months te $8,000.00 greater than 21 less than or equal to 24 months - $9,000.00 gr
The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment) Order, 2002
$4,500.00 ve ve ve 110 middle income (per week) $4,501.00 ? $9,000.00 i. ve i. 90 high income (per week) above $9,000.00 ? i. ve 707, dated this 11th day of october, 2002. p. j. patterson, prime minister. printed by jamaica printing services (1992
The Passport ( Amendment) Regulation, 2009
$4,500.00 £50.00 $80.00 2. a group passport $2,500.00 £60.00 $90.00 3. an interim passport _ £15.00 $30.00 4. each amendment to a passport $1,000.00 £15.00 $30.00 s. a replacement of a passport (other than by renewal) (a) minor $5,700.00 £50.00 $100.00 (b
The National Minimum Wages ( Amendment) Order, 2011
$4,500.00? and ?$168.75? respectively; in sub-paragraph (1)(b) by deleting the numerals ?$4,171.75.? and ?$152.62? and substituting therefor the numerals ?$4,612.50? and ?$168.75? respectively; in sub-paragraph (1)(c) by deleting the numerals ?$4,273.50
The Trade Marks ( Amendment ) Rules, 2011
$4,500.00 (f) reclassification of a mark from schedule ii to schedule iv - i. 35(1) $4,500.00 6. filing of counterstatement in answer to? (a) opposition to the registration of a mark ww 1203) $4,500.00 (b) an application for revocation of a © mark - o
The Registration (Births and Deaths) (Alteration of Fees) Order, 2015
$4,500.00 51(c) for each request for correction of error $4,500.00 52 re-registration of birth of legitimated person after specified time $1,500.00 %) for every search (to be paid by the applicant for the search)? (a) if a general search, for each hour or
22_2005- The National Insurance (Amendment) Act
$4,500.00? and sub- stitute therefor the figures ?$6,500.00?; 7.9.1998
22_2005- The National Insurance (Amendment) Act
$4,500.00? and sub- stitute therefor the figures ?$6,500.00?; 7.9.1998
The National Health Services Act
$4,500.00 within parish $6,500.00 within region and $8,500.00 outside region (one way) $2,000.00 per day ($1,500.00 per day to be applied only after the body is dealt with by a pathologist) $23,000.00 $61,000.00 $2,500.00 each forthe first six treatme
The Professional Engineers Registration Act
$4,500.00 (on application (non-refundable) $1,500.00) (on acceptance (for one year or part thereof) $3,000.00) 3. temporary registration under section 11 ? (a) for teachers, research students, or holders of a fellowship or other study programme ai 4 ee