The National Housing Trust (Rate of Interest) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
$4,501.00-$9,000.00 3. high income above $9.000.00 dated this 27th day of february, 2002. (regulation 2) interest rate 2% 4% 8% 12% 5 p. j. patterson, prime minister. n?" printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printe
The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment) Order, 2002
$4,501.00 ? $9,000.00 i. ve i. 90 high income (per week) above $9,000.00 ? i. ve 707, dated this 11th day of october, 2002. p. j. patterson, prime minister. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke st., kgn., ja
The National Housing Trust (Housing Benefits) (Amendment0 Order,2003
$4,501.00- --$9,000.00 90 high income (per week) 70 above $9,000.00 mm 6. the national housing trust (housing benefits) order, 2001 is hercby revoked. dated this 20th day of may, 2003. 1 j. patterson, prime minister.