Licence - Save Life Outreach Jamaica Limited
4th day of december, 2012, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and
10_2012- The Spirit Licence (Amendment) Act
4th day of december, 2012. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been jound by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said act. clerk to the houses of parliamen
12_2012- The Evidence (Special Measures) Act
4th day of december, 2012. lloyd b. smith deputy speaker. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the joregoing act, and has been sound by me 10 be a true and correct printed copy of the said act.
14_2012- National Insurance (Amendment)
4th day of december, 2012. stanley st. john redwood president. this printed impression has been carefully compared by me with the authenticated impression of the foregoing act, and has been found by me to be a true and correct printed copy of the said a