50 dollars
The Post Office (Postal Charges) (Amendment) Order, 2001
50 dollars 10.00 100 dollars 15.00 200 dollars 30.00 300 dollars 45.00 400 dollars 60.00 500 dollars 75.00 parcels for each 500g or fractional part thereof 60.00 storage charge on parcels and letters weighing more than 300g from overseas (a) for 21 days
50 dollars,? respectively and substituting therefor the words ?fifty dollars ($50) per hour or any part thereof.? 3. notice is hereby give by the st. catherine parish council that with effect from 31st of march, 2008, there will be permit parking in des
The Road Traffic ( Trelawny Parish Council) (Parking and Parking Metres) Rules ,2009)
50 dollars per day dated this 12th day of february, 2009. bruce golding prime minister. printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd, (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Road Traffic ( Portland Parish Council) ( Parking and Parking Maters) Rules, 2009
50 dollars per hour thereafter, or any other fees that council may impose by means of a resolution to council. (2) the period for which a vehicle may be left in a parking bay during the permitted hours shall not exceed two hours on any one occasion. 9.
The Road Traffic ( Clarendon Parish Council) ( Parking and Parking Maters) Rules, 2009
50 dollars per hour thereafter, or any other fees that council may impose by means of a resolution to council. (2) the period for which a vehicle may be left in a parking bay during the permitted hours shall not exceed two hours on any one occasion. 9.