The Provisional Collection Of Tax (Road Traffic) (No.2) Order,2004
$5,000.00 section 105 failure to observe restriction or prohibition in relation to use of road $2,500.00." . part iii any offence against the road traffic regulations, 1938 $2,500.00 dated this 9th day of december, 2004. omar davies minister of finance
The Wild Life Protection (Hunter's Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2001
$5,000.00; june 1 to august 15 ? $10,000.00; failure to comply with the fore- going will result in the denial of a hunters? licence for the subsequent bird shooting season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conservation a
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Licences) (Amendment) Regulations, 2002
$5,000.00; june 1 to august 15?$10,000.00. failure to comply with the foregoing will result in the denial of a hunter's licence for the subsequent season. all returns are either to be made directly to the natural resources conversation authority, 10 caled
The Natural Resources Conservation (Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park) (User Fees) Regulations,2003.
$5,000.00 video or film site:? non-commercial/commercial $5,000.00 (a) filming or video taping $15,000.00 (b) television/advertisement $10,000.00 (¢) documentary $5,000.00.". dean peart, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaicaprinti
The Natural Resources Conservation (Marine Parks) (Amendment) Regulations,2003.
$5,000.00 video or film site:? non-commercial/commercial $5,000.00 (a) filming or video taping $15,000.00 (b) television/advertisement $10,000.00 (c) documentary $5,000.00." dean peart, minister of land and environment. printed by jamaicaprintin
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) Order. 2003.
$5,000.00 section 105 failure to observe restriction or prohibition in relation to use of road $2,500.00." . part iii any offence against the road traffic regulations, 1938 $2,500.00. dated this 27th day of june, 2003. omar davies minister of finance an
The National Solid Waste Management (Public Cleanliness) Regulations,2003
$5,000.00 5. wilfully breaking any bottle or any glass or any article made of glass in or on any public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse . . - $5,000.00 dated this 2 ist day of july, 2003. portia simpson miller, minister of local gov
The Provisional Collection of Tax (Road Traffic) (No.2) Order,2003.
$5,000.00 section 105 failure to observe restriction or prohibition in relation to use of road $2,500.00." . part iii any offence against the road traffic regulations, 1938 $2,500.00 dated this 29th day of december, 2003. omar davies, minister of financ
The Administrator General's (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$5,000.00 (c) attendance at all other chamber matters ... $12,000.00 21. attendance at supreme court? (a) where matter adjourned without a hearing $10,000.00 (b) in all other instances $20,000.00 22. preparing and lodging common law conveyances $8,500.00
The Provisional Collection Of Tax (Road Traffic) Order,2004
$5,000.00 $2,500.00." $2,500.00 omar davies minister of finance and planning. no. lts/14/l vol. iii printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Provisional Collection Of Tax (Road Traffic) Order,2004.
$5,000.00 $2,500.00." $2,500.00 omar davies minister of finance and planning. no. lts/14/l vol. iii printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke street, kingston, jamaica
The Wild Life Protection (Hunters' Returns) (Amendment) Regulations, 2004
$5,000.00 (¢) 1nrespect of the period ist day of june to the end of the shooting season in any year i» - ? $10,000.00." and (a) by deleting paragraph (4) 3. the schedule to the principal regulations is amended? (a) by deleting the words "to august 15
The Legal Profession (Enrolment And Practising Certificate Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2004
$5,000.00 $8,000.00 $11,000.00 $15,000.00 lensley wolfe, oj. chief justice. ian a. forte, 0.j. president of the court of appeal. arnold j. nicholson, q.c. attorney-general. marva mcintosh judge of the supreme court. hugh salmon director of state p