The Companies Act - ( Act 10 of 2004)
$52,000.00 junior counsel - i. i. i $12,000.00 dated this 17th day of january, 2005. phillip paulwell minister of commerce, science and technology. no. 8/1/01 vol xi printed by jamaica printing services (1992) ltd., (government printers), duke str
The Industrial and Provident Societies ( Amendment) Regulations, 2005
$52,000.00 junior counsel ge 2 i ne $12,000.00.? | dated this 30th day of march, 2005. phillip paulwell minister of commerce, science and technology. ; i 0.23b wo the registration of business names act the registration of business names (amendment) rul
The Registration of Business Names Act
$52,000.00 junior counsel . cee es $12,000.00 ({) any other documents required by the act to be registered and delivered to the registrar as ws $600.00 (j) late renewal fee a , $1,000.00 (k) expedition fee for registration of business names ? $1,500.00