The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$550.00 gonotrophin (hcg) urine qualitative lactic dehydrogenase no charge $260.00 (ldi)and hydroxy- butyric acid dehygogenase (hbdh) lactate dehydro- no charge $260.00 genase (1.dh) (total) liver function test (lft) total protein, no charge $700.00 a
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$550.00 anti streptolysin o no charge $240.00 titre (asto) c reactive protein no charge $240.00 8 culture blood no charge $550.00 cerebro spinal fluid no charge $550.00 (csf) swabs no charge $550.00 urine no charge $550.00 urine culture and no charge $900
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$550.00 cbc & platelets no charge $550.00 cbc, esr & platelets no charge $700.00 bleeding indices pt, ptt, bleeding no charge $550.00 time platelets bone marrow no charge $1,100.00 ante natal (haemog|lo- bin, sickle group and rhesus, vdrl) no charge $90
The National Health Services ( Fees) ( Amendment) Regulation ,2009
$550.00 antibody identification ~~ no charge $1,440.00 antibody titration no charge $1,640.00 investigation of haemolytic disease of the newborn no charge $900.00 hepatitis bsag no charge £900.00 human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) no charge $900.00 human
The Toll Roads- The Highway 2000 (Part of Phase 1) Toll (Amendment) Order, 2015
$550.00?and substituting therefor respectively the numerals ?$200.00?, ?$320.00? and ?$610.00?; (d) sub-paragraph 2(d), by deleting from the third column of table d the numerals ?$90.00?, ?5140.00? and ?$280,00? and substituting therefor respectively the
The Toll Roads Act
$550.00 (d) in relation to toll collected at the toll plaza known as the may pen toll plaza, in accordance with table d? table d class of toll vehicles description of vehicles payable motor vehicles not exceeding class 1 1.7 metres high of any