5th day of september, 2005
The Wild Life ( Shooting Season) Order, 2005
5th day of september, 2005. 3. during the shooting season the following game birds bald-pate (columba leucocephala), white-winged dove (zenaida asiatica), mourning dove (zenaida macroura) and pea dove (zenaida aurita) may lawfully be hunted only on satur
Delegation of Certain Functions of the Jamaica Racing Commission
5th day of september, 2005. and we the jamaica racing commission hereby delegate to carlton williams, attomey-at- law of no. 1 eureka crescent, kingston 5, colin ifill retiree of no. 1 mcdonald drive, kingston 10, george mcpherson, managing director of n
Delegation of Certain Functions of the Jamaica Racing Commission
5th day of september, 2005, or by a quorum of the said delegatees but which had not been concluded at the date hereof, the revocation herein of the said instrument of delegation dated the 5th day of september, 2005 and the delegation herein to the delegat
Licence- Islamic Council of Jamaica Limited
5th day of september, 2005, as a limited liability company is formed for the purpose of promoting objects of the nature contemplated by subsection (1) of section 16 of the companies act, and that it is the intention of the said company that the income and